It feels to me like a 4-hour-therapy listening to all these intellectual rational constructive lecturing, conversations and debates even just loosely incoherent organized. Also makes me wondering what happens now in Berkeley (the film was made during Clinton’s presidency). Hail to the republic of California.
到底该不该以暴制暴我相信有更好的解决方式但是为什么最后一段屠村看得我有隐隐的快感一切都通向毁灭PS:Lars von Trier的镜头真的好晃 昨天看忧郁症晃得想吐我还以为是因为我30个小时没有睡觉的原因 今天睡饱了去看心死相依打一字谜还是被晃得有点晕 2014/01/18@电影资料馆